Wuhan Hualong Bio-Chemical pharmaceutical Co., Ltd  
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 Transfer factor for injection
Product Name Transfer factor for injection

Product Specifications 3mg
Approve No. G.Y.Z.ZI.H20013349
Clinical Applications

Used for adjuvant therapy of some viral or fungal cells infections (such as herpes zoster, encephalitis, Candida albicans infections, viral myocarditis, etc.) which are difficult to be controlled by antibiotic, it can also be used as a adjuvant therapy agent for vicious cancer; It can be used for eczema, thrombocytopenia, multiple infection syndrome, chronic mucocutaneous fungal disease and other immune deficiency diseases.

    Company Address  :   Hulong Biotechnology Park, Xinhuaji, Zoumaling Street, Dongxihu District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China
    Sales  Hotline:027-65681079 65681245 65681067 13995524038   FAX: 027-65681343
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   Company  TEL: 027-83068789   83051119